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The Babysitters train – Hungary to Romania

Travel Journal Overview: Overland train rides can be great ways to travel. They can also me traps. I experienced both as I traveled under a full moon into Transylvania en route to Brasov. Over anxious about departures I arrived at the Budapest Ketti Train station 1.5 hours before by scheduled departure at 17.45. With no …

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Final days in Budapest, thoughts and moving on

Travel Journal Overview: Though it’s not written here, but is in the book, I learned more about the practicalities in finding home in Hungary then just about anywhere else in Europe bar Spain. Traveling along he streets of Budapest was not always so nice. Burger Kings, and Mc this, mc that’s spoiled the oldness of …

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Arriving into Budapest, damn Lonely Planet

Travel Journal Overview: Not knowing a thing about a city when you arrive can be good. But maybe not when you have a Lonely Planet as your guide. I arrived from the train stacked up on Red Bull after a night of difficult sleep due to the door continuously sliding open. I made a makeshift …

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Eurolines suck when you are in Poland

Travel Journal Overview: There are some things that go wrong when you travel. Sometimes its not so bad. But somehow they linger in your mind for months, if not years to come. This is one of mine … Next day was a usual hungover one. Not good for a travelers mind, but after this I …

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Wieliczka’s Rock Salt Mine, the Russians are coming and Krakow at night

Travel Journal Overview: I was far from travel blog comfortable still. My main goal was the journey at hand, I was however feverishly writing everything into my hand journals and just using the blog to let friends know where and what I was up to. I waited around the hostel for my polish friend to …

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