When locals get tired of you: social integration gone wrong

Can you ever really fit in socially when living overseas? As my great quest at social integration when living overseas draws to a close here; I find myself looking for answers to prove me wrong. Call them my last desperate attempts at understanding the psyche of trying to fit into a new country, society and culture in …

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The Miscommunication of Travel & Life Overseas

How to Deal with miscommunication when you travel or live overseas Miscommunication happens in every culture, but is highlighted when you travel or live overseas. Think you know a country well? Speak the language so well that there’s no miscommunication? Good, you’ve only just begun. And, you’ll probably never reach the finish line. Travel & miscommunication go …

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Why did I spend 2 years in The Philippines?

“Have you found home in the Philippines?” I’ve received a lot of email from people asking this question, mainly pertaining to the fact that I have been here so long. Let me knock one thing on the head here. “I lived & traveled in Africa for longer.” I’ve just written more about it from here due to enhancements in technology, having …

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Is social integration possible when trying to live overseas?

I don’t have the answers to everything. If I did I would have found a place called home a long time ago. All I have to go on is what I’ve learned so far. One of those things is the importance of social integration with local people. Why is social integration important? This one is …

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