What is it like to live without food or water? Chronicles of life in Africa

I spent over two years living and working in Africa. I’ve not written much about it here; as at the time lack of electricity and the internet made it a near impossibility. I have everything written in hand journals. Many people have written to me asking for more about my time there and, I was planning to write …

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Travel & Life with no Electricity, coming soon to a country near you!

Travel & electrical outages are manageable for the short term. For long term travelers and those living with random interruptions it can be a very different matter. What is it like to live with no Electricity? A failing electrical supply has made the President of The Philippines turn Mindanao into a “state of calamity”, others want a “state of emergency”. …

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Dealing with the religious divide when traveling overseas

Dealing with Religion when traveling As I have traveled & lived through countries with the  main religions throughout the world I’ve notice little written about the two subjects. Travel & religion. Is there a need? Or is it one of those subjects that people really don’t like to ask, nor talk about? It is after all one …

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