Having Surgery in Asia: my experience

The longest way to surgery in Asia Long term readers who subscribe to my newsletter might remember a few years back I wrote a very personal newsletter about experiencing colon pain and having a colonoscopy in South East Asia. It was a smorgasbord of misdiagnoses, the unknown, impending death and getting the all clear. For …

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8 years & 6 boots: What are the best backpacking boots for long-term travel?

Long-term travel and backpacking boots don’t seem to get on very well If you were following my tweets last week you’ll know that for about the 6th time in 8 years yet another pair of my backpacking boots fell apart. I’d love to say it was due to a fault in the stitching or something …

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Is long-term travel about avoiding responsibility?

Is travel or long-term travel about avoiding responsibility? I’ve met many people from all walks of life and ages in my travels. There’s a little niche group I keep bumping into that seem stuck on a roundabout in life and can’t seem to find the exit. But are quite happy to keep going back to that …

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Long-term travel mental preparation: How to get & keep your mind ready

Getting your mind ready for long-term travel This is going to be a relatively shorter article than many others in this series about long-term travel. The reason for this is that most people considering long-term travel will have a myriad of reasons for doing so. As such writing a single article on dealing with the psychological preparation behind it will inevitably not …

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Financial planning for long-term travel: preparation

Before you go on any long-term travel journey you should prepare your finances Financial planning for long-term travel is one of those things you can’t help but tackle head on. You need money to travel. Many people write about how to earn money to support yourself when traveling. I’ll try to cover this a little later …

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Long-term travel abroad & staying healthy

Long term travel & health: just how healthy do you have to be? There are a lot of misconceptions regarding long-term travel and health. Being fit and staying fit when it comes to extended travel abroad, medicine abroad and dental care. I aim to tackle a few of these here as I’ve experienced most if …

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