Chinese acrobat from the Beijing circus balancing glasses

Chinese acrobat balancing glasses

A Chinese acrobat balancing 90 glasses China is famous for its acrobatic circuses rather than animals. There are many nightly shows in Beijing alone with the most famous being at the Chaoyang Theatre. The shows take place twice a day and are popular with tourists, local business people (after work) and expats. Stung bicycling, fire stunts, trapeze …

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Chinese Traffic Police sponsored by McDonald’s

Chinese Policeman under a McDonald's umbrella directing traffic in China

Chinese Traffic Police sponsored by McDonald’s? It’s Chinese new year on Monday 23rd January 2012. And while I thought putting up a festival like photograph would be nice, I feel considering this past week this would be better. It’s been a week of upheaval around the world as we witnessed the largest global internet protest …

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My final overland destination: Shanghai, China

Travel Journal Overview: This is it, my final entry in the overland journey from Portugal to China in search of a place called home. Fresh with a new laptop, I had just one last task to accomplish. Shanghai is the final destination in a overland journey Nerdish qualities aside I did of course spend my …

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How to buy a laptop in Shanghai?

Travel Journal Overview: This was it, my final destination, Shanghai, China. The adventure wasn’t over yet though. Having sold my laptop in Turkey, I needed a new one. I thought China would be easy to do this in … nope Traveling from Beijing to Shanghai on a train A first class train ticket for the overnight …

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A lesser known part of the Great Wall of China

Travel Journal Overview: Much like traveling in India and the Taj, when in China you have to see the Great Wall. Throw in the Beijing state dance academy, and things were moving on quite well. Visiting the Great Wall of China Naturally enough the little visited section was full of tourists. Though is this was the …

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Welcome to Bejing, now, what to do there?

Travel Journal Overview: Another capital city, and yet again Asia was proving that not all capitals have to by dry boring places. Bound by international tourists and media, Beijing was more relaxed than the rest of China. Hopefully it would lead to more things to do in my penultimate overland city. That was Stefan’s comment …

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