My Top 3 best / worst foods in The Philippines

The best, and the worst of Food from The Philippines My Food from The Philippines series has been one I’ve enjoyed a lot. There are three main reasons. I like food, and eat far too much of it. The main reason here, is quite simply it’s one of my secrets to long-term travel. I move …

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Food from The Philippines: Mango Float

Mango Float from The Philippines I’ve said it previously, I am not that much of a sweet tooth. Mango Float may just be the exception! It’s really quiet spectacular. Made from layers of fresh thinly sliced mangos. Mixes cream and condensed milk. Alongside layers of graham crackers. Each layer is stacked up as many times …

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Food from the Philippines: Turrón

Turrón from The Philippines Fried saba banana (similar to plantain) is available nearly everywhere in The Philippines. Turrón is a variation of this and is treated as a snack. Saba or plantain is a type of banana that can only be eaten when cooked. Personally, I am not a huge fan of it as I find plantain to be quite …

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Food from The Philippines: Loro Fish (Parrot Fish)

Eating Parrot or Loro Fish from The Philippines Loro means Parrot in Tagalog (the northern language of The Philippines). To many people outside of Asia, or the Caribbean, the Parrot fish is that brightly colored beautiful fish you see in underwater photographs or videos. Dare I mention, Nemo here! In Polynesia Parrot fish is considered …

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Food from The Philippines: Banana Ketchup

Banana Ketchup from The Philippines Yes, it’s ketchup, and yes it’s made from Bananas! In between the last of my two final social integration articles I wanted to put in something a bit lighter. Banana Ketchup made the list! Where does Banana Ketchup come from? The Philippines! There’s also rumored to be a variation of …

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Food from The Philippines: Bolinao (stinky fish)

Dried Bolinao fish Dried Bolinao is the official name, stinky fish is my nickname. There are many many types of dried fish in The Philippines. Walk into any market and you will find a section dedicated to sun-dried fish. From whole squid, to slices of the unknown. From fish heads to delicate tiny little fish it’s all here. Real names …

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Food from The Philippines: Palitaw

Palitaw from The Philippines I’ve only just come across Palitaw. And, it is already my second favorite sweet food in The Philippines. Made from sticky rice, sugar and then dipped in coconut it’s a delicious not overly sweet food. The little dusty stuff your see to the left is ground peanut. A little more about Palitaw …

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