Taking Archery Lessons in Kathmandu from the Best Female Archers!

Archery in Kathmandu

Taking Archery Lessons in Kathmandu Archery is not something you would often associate with Kathmandu or Nepal. It does have a long history in Nepal just as it has around the world. Hunting both on foot and on horse Nepalese archers were once prolific with a bamboo bow and arrow. Then came progress and it …

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Bardia National Park – in search of wild tigers

Tiger at Bardia National Park Nepal

Into the Bardia jungle at dawn The day begins at dawn with an early shower. No deodorant, no cologne and no soap. In other words, no chemical smells. Tigers and other wildlife can smell you from miles away. If they smell something as disgusting as fragrance chemicals they are less likely to come out and …

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Bardia – a bus journey to Nepal’s “best” wildlife park

Bardia National Park Entrance at Ambassa Nepal

Planning a trip to Bardia is easier than it seems Bardia National Park is in Nepal’s far south west region. I’d heard the rumors for years of Bardia being like Chitwan was before the tourists arrived 20+ years ago. It was the “real jungle” of Nepal where tigers, elephants and one-horned rhinos roamed freely. There …

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The best guidebook to the Kathmandu Valley (updated 2024)

Kathmandu Valley Guidebook cover

The latest Kathmandu Valley Guidebook (updated February 2024) The latest edition of my Kathmandu Valley Guidebook in my Nepal guidebook collection has been published and updated in 2024.  It’s a detailed guidebook for the entire Kathmandu Valley that includes post-pandemic updates. If you are just visiting Kathmandu city then use my guidebook to Kathmandu city. Kathmandu Valley …

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The rise & decline of Lumbini in Nepal

Maya Devi Temple in Lumbini

The Birthplace of Buddha is in dire need of some spirituality I’ve visited Lumbini many times over the years. The first time was because it was the birthplace of Buddha. A place that could surely be matched in importance with Jerusalem or Mecca. What I found was an uninspired town, hidden monks and a less than stellar …

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